Fortune & Fame ... Becoming A Rock Star

Ever wanted to be a rock star? I think we all have at one point. I mean, what's not to love about it. They rock on stage, party all night and have their pick of the hottest ladies at the show. Sure that all seemed great when we were younger but what about becoming a modern day rock star?

What is a modern day rock star?

Good question. That could probably be defined as any one who truly stands out in their industry. For instance, Michael Arrington could be considered a rock star in the blogging world for the huge success he has seen from TechCrunch, the blog he started in 2005 that covers internet startups and has achieved behemoth status in the blogosphere.

Examples from the affiliate marketing world would include John Chow, Zac Johnson and Neil Patel. These 3 guys are recognized as experts in their industry and have been able to build up a solid reputation and a large following. Whether or not these guys are actual experts I have no idea and I don't know any of them personally. What I do know is that I read their blogs every day and find a great value in their writings a lot of the time.

Point is that they have been able to build a (cult like) following and are able to leverage that into large profits while attempting to help people in the process.

How do you become a rock star?

What the hell are you asking me for? Seriously though I don't have an answer to that question. I don't know that there is a specific formula but I am sure it is a mixture of charisma, experience, hard work, education and a degree of transparency.

If you can figure out a way to give away value — actual or perceived — for free and do it in a way that is magnetic, chances are you will slowly build a large following. As your following grows, so can your profits.

There are many ways to pass value to your following. Obviously blogging is a slam dunk but there are many other methods. Before blogging was so popular there were forums, which provided an excellent vehicle for users to interact with each other as well as the "rock stars" of the community. Look at the success of Fark — it all started with a niche and a forum.

Are you a rock star?

Everyone has some rock star qualities about them. Well, nearly everyone. Not everyone has the over all mixture that is required to really stand out. That's OK because you don't need to be a rock star to be hugely successful. If you want to be a rock star then I suggest you get started right away. Throw yourself out there and see how it goes. Don't let self doubt or other hang ups stop you.

Bottom line: you never know until you try.

P.S. Yes, I realize how corny the "rock star" thing is...