Boom! More Software Updates

Just a quick post to update the status of the CMS software that is running this site now. I have added a few new features to it.

Tagging - I wrote some quick stuff to parse the Technorati tags from each post, and tag the actual entry on the back end as well. I used a simple method, just 2 models named Tag and Tagmap. Tag is the tag name itself and Tagmap is a map that puts the actual database blog entry to the Tag and vise versa. Pretty simple really, but I will write up a blog post about it when I have the time. FYI: There is also an awesome app called Django-Tagging that would probably be best for most situations.

Amazon S3 - I added support for the Amazon S3 service via the metaWeblog API code. When my blogging client uploads an attachment, the blog software itself will take the data and store it on the Amazon S3 servers. This has the advantage of keeping static media off the Django server. Plus, it's super cheap storage! I plan on writing up a post for this as well very soon.

[Update] Oops. You can view the tag cloud here.