Learn From Nike - Just Do It!

I came across this post today by a guy named Matt Heaton. It's about how so many people have great ideas but are afraid to pursue them. Here is a an excerpt that is the meat & potatoes of the article.

"Successful people based on my observations are usually successful over and over again. They have great ideas. They learn what it takes to implement that idea - which by the way is 90% more than what most people do, and then they do what so many people won’t. They DO it!

You can’t do something that you don’t know how to do, but learning is a means to an end. The end goal is ACTION. Its so easy to talk about wat you want to do. Its entirely another thing to do it. You all know the person who talks about what they want to do their whole life but never does it. Don’t be that person."

I wrote about giving yourself a gut check and how it can be beneficial to live outside of your comfort zone before. There is a lot to be said about a person who has the guts to go for it. Some call them crazy and others admire their gusto.

Right now I am in the middle of launching 2 companies. One is active and doing business right now, the other we hope to be live by the end of March. As things get more stable I will give more info out about these businesses. I hate that I waited so long to go after an idea — regardless of the reason.

So while I am no where near where I want to be in life, I feel like I am finally on the right path and and will get there in time.

If you are waiting to get started with your idea for business, or pleasure, my only advice to you is that you should listen to Nike.