Geek or Marketer or What The ...

I've been wondering lately if I am alienating myself from my readers by covering many different topics on this blog. My posts range from software development to money management to internet marketing. It's hard to build up a dedicated readership when my topics don't seem to stay on any certain topic ;)

So should I stick to a single topic? I don't think so. This is a personal blog and it should reflect the things that interest me or the events going on in my life right now. That is why I will write an article on how I created the software that runs this blog to an article on how to increase your website conversions.

To me, being able to use many different skills to earn a living online is very useful information. In the end, this blog is not designed or intended for me to make money off of. Just an outlet for me and a way to get my ideas out there.

Love it or hate it...